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Consistency Levels

The following table documents each chain's consistencyLevel values (i.e., finality reached before signing). The consistency level defines how long the Guardians should wait before signing a VAA. The finalization time depends on the specific chain's consensus mechanism. The consistency level is a u8, so any single byte may be used. However, a small subset has particular meanings. If the consistencyLevel isn't one of those specific values, the Otherwise column describes how it's interpreted.

ChainInstantSafeFinalizedOtherwiseTime to FinalizeDetails
Ethereum200201finalized~ 1455sDetails
Solana01~ 14sDetails
Acala200201finalized~ 24s
Algorand0~ 4sDetails
Aptos0~ 4sDetails
Arbitrum200201finalized~ 1066sDetails
Avalanche200finalized~ 2sDetails
Base200201finalized~ 1026s
Blast200201finalized~ 1026s
BNB Smart Chain200201finalized~ 48sDetails
Celestia0~ 5s
Celo200finalized~ 10s
Cosmoshub0~ 5s
Dymension0~ 5s
Evmos0~ 2s
Fantom200finalized~ 5s
Injective0~ 3s
Kaia200finalized~ 1s
Karura200201finalized~ 24sDetails
Kujira0~ 3s
Mantle200201finalized~ 1026s
Moonbeam200201finalized~ 24sDetails
NEAR0~ 2sDetails
Neutron0~ 5s
Oasis200finalized~ 12s
Optimism200201finalized~ 1026s
Osmosis0~ 6s
Polygon200finalized~ 66sDetails
Scroll200finalized~ 903s
Sei0~ 1s
Stargaze0~ 5s
Sui0~ 3sDetails
Terra0~ 6s
Terra20~ 6s
Xlayer200201finalized~ 903s
Xpla0~ 5s

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