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Upgrade Your Node Running via Docker


Keeping your node up-to-date is an important part of being a Tanssi block producer node. Not only does it help to ensure that your block producer node stays healthy, it also contributes to keeping the entire Tanssi Network running smoothly. Tanssi block producers can subscribe to GitHub notifications to be alerted for new client release versions.

This tutorial covers upgrading your Tanssi block producer node that was configured using Docker. It assumes you have already set up your account and launched a block producer node using Docker.

Upgrading Docker Nodes

If you're running your block producer node with Docker, updating your node is as simple as stopping the running container and restarting it with the new version tag.

First, get the container ID of your Tanssi block producer node with the following command:

docker ps -a

The container ID is the first column and if you're running multiple Docker containers, you can identify it by the image name of moondancelabs/tanssi. You can run the stop command as follows:


Your terminal interaction will resemble the following:

docker ps -a

aa751703d6aa moondancelabs/tanssi:v0.6.1 "/tanssi/tanssi-node…" 56 seconds ago Up 56 seconds focused_chaum
docker stop aa751703d6aa

To restart the node, you can use the command you used when launching your block producer node. The Docker command is configured to automatically retrieve the latest version. The node will resume syncing blocks from where it left off when the Docker process was stopped.

docker run --network="host" -v "/var/lib/dancebox:/data" \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
moondancelabs/tanssi \
--chain=dancebox \
--sync=warp \
--base-path=/data/para \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--collator \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb \
--node-key-file /data/node-key \
-- \
--base-path=/data/container \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
-- \
--chain=westend_moonbase_relay_testnet \
--sync=fast \
--base-path=/data/relay \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb
docker run --network="host" -v "/var/lib/dancebox:/data" \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
--entrypoint "/tanssi/tanssi-node-skylake" \
moondancelabs/tanssi \
--chain=dancebox \
--sync=warp \
--base-path=/data/para \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--collator \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb \
--node-key-file /data/node-key \
-- \
--base-path=/data/container \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
-- \
--chain=westend_moonbase_relay_testnet \
--sync=fast \
--base-path=/data/relay \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb
docker run --network="host" -v "/var/lib/dancebox:/data" \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
--entrypoint "/tanssi/tanssi-node-znver3" \
moondancelabs/tanssi \
--chain=dancebox \
--sync=warp \
--base-path=/data/para \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--collator \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb \
--node-key-file /data/node-key \
-- \
--base-path=/data/container \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
-- \
--chain=westend_moonbase_relay_testnet \
--sync=fast \
--base-path=/data/relay \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb

Specifying a Version Tag

The Docker commands above will automatically fetch the latest release version tag, but if you wanted to specify a particular version tag, you can do so by appending the version tag to the image name. For example, if you wanted to fetch version v0.8.1, rather than specifying the image name as moondancelabs/tanssi, you would indicate moondancelabs/tanssi:v0.8.1 as the image name.

The complete commands with specific version tags are thus as follows:

docker run --network="host" -v "/var/lib/dancebox:/data" \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
moondancelabs/tanssi:v0.8.1 \
--chain=dancebox \
--sync=warp \
--base-path=/data/para \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--collator \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb \
--node-key-file /data/node-key \
-- \
--base-path=/data/container \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
-- \
--chain=westend_moonbase_relay_testnet \
--sync=fast \
--base-path=/data/relay \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb
docker run --network="host" -v "/var/lib/dancebox:/data" \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
--entrypoint "/tanssi/tanssi-node-skylake" \
moondancelabs/tanssi:v0.8.1 \
--chain=dancebox \
--sync=warp \
--base-path=/data/para \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--collator \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb \
--node-key-file /data/node-key \
-- \
--base-path=/data/container \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
-- \
--chain=westend_moonbase_relay_testnet \
--sync=fast \
--base-path=/data/relay \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb
docker run --network="host" -v "/var/lib/dancebox:/data" \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
--entrypoint "/tanssi/tanssi-node-znver3" \
moondancelabs/tanssi:v0.8.1 \
--chain=dancebox \
--sync=warp \
--base-path=/data/para \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--collator \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb \
--node-key-file /data/node-key \
-- \
--base-path=/data/container \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
-- \
--chain=westend_moonbase_relay_testnet \
--sync=fast \
--base-path=/data/relay \
--state-pruning=2000 \
--blocks-pruning=2000 \
--telemetry-url='wss:// 0' \
--database paritydb

And that's it! You've successfully upgraded your Tanssi node.

Subscribe to Release Notifications

You can subscribe to email notifications of new releases by clicking Watch on the Tanssi GitHub Repo and selecting Custom notifications and checking the box for Releases.

Last update: February 19, 2025
| Created: February 19, 2025