Run a Network Node Using Docker¶
Running a Tanssi-powered network node allows you to connect to and interact with the network using your infrastructure via either HTTP or WebSocket protocols.
Nodes store block data and network state. However, developers can run different kinds of nodes:
Full Archive Node - a node storing the entire block data and network state at all block heights. Such nodes are helpful when querying historical data from old blocks. However, a full archive node takes up a lot of space
Full Pruned Node - a node storing block data and network state up to some specific number of blocks before the current block height. Such nodes are helpful when querying recent data or submitting transactions through your infrastructure. They require much less space than an archival node but don't store the full network state
In this guide, you'll learn how to quickly spin up a Tanssi network node using Docker on a Linux computer. However, it can be adapted to other operating systems.
It is not possible to run an RPC node for quick Trial networks as they run on a private network, and their nodes are, therefore, unreachable for syncing.
Checking Prerequisites¶
Installing Docker¶
To get started, you'll need access to a computer running a Linux OS and install Docker.
Run the following command to install Docker on a Linux Ubuntu platform:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
And the following command to check the installation:
sudo docker run hello-world
This is what a successful execution in the terminal looks like:
Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
to your terminal.
To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
$ docker run -it ubuntu bash
Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:
For more examples and ideas, visit:
Pulling the Docker Image¶
A Docker image is built and published as part of the automated deployment process, either for a Tanssi EVM-compatible network or another for a Tanssi Substrate network.
A Docker image combines the binary corresponding to the latest stable release of the client node, along with the chain specification file.
The chain specification is generated when registering the network in the dApp using the provided parameters for the selected template or is required to be uploaded manually when choosing the custom specs option.
Luckily, running a node requires the right Docker image configured correctly!
EVM-Compatible Networks¶
If the Tanssi network was registered in the dApp choosing the EVM template or uploading a custom specification representing a Tanssi EVM-compatible network, then execute the following command to pull the Docker image:
docker pull moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-evm-templates
The command will download and extract the image and show the status upon execution:
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-evm-templates
31ad3619f756: Already exists
8f3d9759dcde: Pull complete
de5eaba9b289: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:4930d631a8ac7f7852754d4cf77bb3317229d768f44092a00295ba50641b2a33
Status: Downloaded newer image for moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-evm-templates:latest
Simple Substrate Networks¶
If the network was registered in the dApp choosing the basic Substrate template or uploading a custom specification file representing a Substrate network, then execute the following command to pull the Docker image:
docker pull moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-simple-templates
The command will download and extract the image and show the status upon execution, showing a similar output as the previous terminal image.
Start-Up Command¶
To spin up your node, you must run the Docker image with the docker run
command. Note that you'll need to modify the following parameters:
Network ID
with your Tanssi network ID within the--chain
command. This ID was obtained during the third step of the network deployment process and can be retrieved from the dashboard on the dApp. For example,3001
- a bootnode is a full archive node that is used to sync the network from scratch. You'll need to retrieve your Tanssi network bootnode and replaceINSERT_YOUR_NETWORK_BOOTNODE
with the actual bootnode information
For better performance, it is recommended that you run the optimized binary versions for either Intel's Skylake or AMD's Zen3 architectures.
docker run -ti moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-evm-templates \
/chain-network/container-chain-frontier-node \
--chain=/chain-network/container-YOUR_NETWORK_ID-raw-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9944 \
--name=para \
-- \
--name=relay \
--chain=/chain-network/relay-raw-no-bootnodes-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9945 \
--sync=fast \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
docker run -ti moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-evm-templates \
/chain-network/container-chain-frontier-node-skylake \
--chain=/chain-network/container-YOUR_NETWORK_ID-raw-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9944 \
--name=para \
-- \
--name=relay \
--chain=/chain-network/relay-raw-no-bootnodes-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9945 \
--sync=fast \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
docker run -ti moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-evm-templates \
/chain-network/container-chain-frontier-node-znver3 \
--chain=/chain-network/container-YOUR_NETWORK_ID-raw-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9944 \
--name=para \
-- \
--name=relay \
--chain=/chain-network/relay-raw-no-bootnodes-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9945 \
--sync=fast \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
docker run -ti moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-simple-templates \
/chain-network/container-chain-simple-node \
--chain=/chain-network/container-YOUR_NETWORK_ID-raw-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9944 \
--name=para \
-- \
--name=relay \
--chain=/chain-network/relay-raw-no-bootnodes-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9945 \
--sync=fast \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
docker run -ti moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-simple-templates \
/chain-network/container-chain-simple-node-skylake \
--chain=/chain-network/container-YOUR_NETWORK_ID-raw-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9944 \
--name=para \
-- \
--name=relay \
--chain=/chain-network/relay-raw-no-bootnodes-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9945 \
--sync=fast \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
docker run -ti moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-simple-templates \
/chain-network/container-chain-simple-node-znver3 \
--chain=/chain-network/container-YOUR_NETWORK_ID-raw-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9944 \
--name=para \
-- \
--name=relay \
--chain=/chain-network/relay-raw-no-bootnodes-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9945 \
--sync=fast \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
Only the historical state of the last 256 finalized blocks are kept in the local database by default. To run a full archive node, you must set the --state-pruning archive
flag. More information is in the flags section.
Fetching Bootnode Information¶
Bootnode information can be read directly from Tanssi itself. For example, you can use the Polkadot.js explorer to get the bootnodes for a specific network in the Dancebox TestNet.
To do so, take the following steps:
- Select dataPreservers as the module to query
- Set the storage query to bootNodes
- Provide your Tanssi network ID
- Click on the + sign
Full Node Example for Demo EVM Network¶
The following example spins up a full archive RPC node for the demo EVM network deployed on Dancebox with an ID of 3001
docker run -ti moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-evm-templates \
/chain-network/container-chain-frontier-node \
--chain=/chain-network/container-3001-raw-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9944 \
--name=para \
--state-pruning=archive \
--blocks-pruning=archive \
/12D3KooWHbs1SetugtcwHUYEAN2j1gE2TW8vmqgfcbcELy4x9hqg \
-- \
--chain=/chain-network/relay-raw-no-bootnodes-specs.json \
--rpc-port=9945 \
--name=relay \
--sync=fast \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
--bootnodes=/dns4/ \
Run Flags¶
The flags used in the docker run
command can be adjusted according to your preferences and hardware configuration. The following ones are some of the most note-worthy:
- a human-readable name for this node--rpc-port INSERT_PORT
- specifies the JSON-RPC TCP port the node listens on--unsafe-rpc-external
- exposes the RPC service on all the interfaces--state-pruning INSERT_STATE_PRUNING_TYPE
- specifies when the Tanssi-powered network state should be removed from the database. The pruning type can be eitherarchive
(which makes the node behave as a full node keeping all the state),archive-canonical
(which keeps only the state of finalized blocks), or anynumber
(representing the number of blocks whose states are kept)--blocks-pruning INSERT_BLOCKS_PRUNING_TYPE
- specifies how many blocks should be kept in the database. The pruning type can be eitherarchive
(which makes the node behave as a full node keeping all the blocks),archive-canonical
(which keeps only finalized blocks), or anynumber
(representing the amount of finalized blocks to keep)--detailed-log-output
- enables detailed log output
For a complete list of available flags, their description, and possible values, run the following command:
docker run -ti moondancelabs/dancebox-container-chain-evm-templates \
/chain-network/container-chain-frontier-node \
Syncing Your Node¶
Once your node spins up, the syncing process displays lots of log information from the node configuration, the relay chain, and the node itself. Some errors are expected to be displayed at the beginning of the process, disappearing once the chain gets synced to the last block.
2024-02-08 18:30:04.093 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: [Parachain] 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x4a2b…7de3), finalized #0 (0x4a2b…7de3), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0
2024-02-08 18:30:06.368 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: [Relaychain] ✨ Imported #14139635 (0x8c41…8df6)
2024-02-08 18:30:08.809 INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: [Relaychain] 💤 Idle (8 peers), best: #14139635 (0x8c41…8df6), finalized #14139632 (0xa9a8…cab9), ⬇ 32.7kiB/s ⬆
The length of the syncing process is directly proportional to the size of the chain you are syncing to.
| Created: February 19, 2025