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Fork a Chain with Chopsticks


Chopsticks is an innovative tool that simplifies the process of forking live Polkadot SDK chains. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to configure and fork chains, enabling developers to:

  • Replay blocks for state analysis
  • Test cross-chain messaging (XCM)
  • Simulate blockchain environments for debugging and experimentation

With support for both configuration files and CLI commands, Chopsticks offers flexibility for diverse development workflows. Whether you're testing locally or exploring complex blockchain scenarios, Chopsticks empowers developers to gain deeper insights and accelerate application development.

For additional support and information, please reach out through GitHub Issues.


Chopsticks uses Smoldot light client, which only supports the native Polkadot SDK API. As a result, Ethereum JSON-RPC calls are not supported, and tools like Metamask cannot connect to Chopsticks-based forks.


To follow this tutorial, ensure you have completed the following:

Configuration File

To run Chopsticks using a configuration file, utilize the --config flag. You can use a raw GitHub URL, a path to a local file, or simply the chain's name. The following commands all look different but they use the polkadot configuration in the same way:

npx @acala-network/chopsticks \
npx @acala-network/chopsticks --config=configs/polkadot.yml
npx @acala-network/chopsticks --config=polkadot

Regardless of which method you choose from the preceding examples, you'll see an output similar to the following:

npx @acala-network/chopsticks --config=polkadot
[18:38:26.155] INFO: Loading config file app: "chopsticks" chopsticks::executor TRACE: Calling Metadata_metadata chopsticks::executor TRACE: Completed Metadata_metadata [18:38:28.186] INFO: Polkadot RPC listening on port 8000 app: "chopsticks"


If using a file path, make sure you've downloaded the Polkadot configuration file, or have created your own.

Create a Fork

Once you've configured Chopsticks, use the following command to fork Polkadot at block 100:

npx @acala-network/chopsticks \
--endpoint wss:// \
--block 100

If the fork is successful, you will see output similar to the following:

npx @acala-network/chopsticks \ --endpoint wss:// \ --block 100
[19:12:21.023] INFO: Polkadot RPC listening on port 8000 app: "chopsticks"

Access the running Chopsticks fork using the default address.


Interact with a Fork

You can interact with the forked chain using various libraries such as Polkadot.js and its user interface, Polkadot.js Apps.

Use Polkadot.js Apps

To interact with Chopsticks via the hosted user interface, visit Polkadot.js Apps and follow these steps:

  1. Select the network icon in the top left corner

  2. Scroll to the bottom and select Development

  3. Choose Custom
  4. Enter ws://localhost:8000 in the input field
  5. Select the Switch button

You should now be connected to your local fork and can interact with it as you would with a real chain.

Use Polkadot.js Library

For programmatic interaction, you can use the Polkadot.js library. The following is a basic example:

import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';

async function connectToFork() {
  const wsProvider = new WsProvider('ws://localhost:8000');
  const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider: wsProvider });
  await api.isReady;

  // Now you can use 'api' to interact with your fork
  console.log(`Connected to chain: ${await api.rpc.system.chain()}`);


Replay Blocks

Chopsticks allows you to replay specific blocks from a chain, which is useful for debugging and analyzing state changes. You can use the parameters in the Configuration section to set up the chain configuration, and then use the run-block subcommand with the following additional options:

  • output-path - path to print output
  • html - generate HTML with storage diff
  • open - open generated HTML

For example, the command to replay block 1000 from Polkadot and save the output to a JSON file would be as follows:

npx @acala-network/chopsticks run-block  \
--endpoint wss://  \
--output-path ./polkadot-output.json  \
--block 1000
Output file content
    "Call": {
        "result": "0xba754e7478944d07a1f7e914422b4d973b0855abeb6f81138fdca35beb474b44a10f6fc59a4d90c3b78e38fac100fc6adc6f9e69a07565ec8abce6165bd0d24078cc7bf34f450a2cc7faacc1fa1e244b959f0ed65437f44208876e1e5eefbf8dd34c040642414245b501030100000083e2cc0f00000000d889565422338aa58c0fd8ebac32234149c7ce1f22ac2447a02ef059b58d4430ca96ba18fbf27d06fe92ec86d8b348ef42f6d34435c791b952018d0a82cae40decfe5faf56203d88fdedee7b25f04b63f41f23da88c76c876db5c264dad2f70c",
        "storageDiff": [
            ["0x3a65787472696e7369635f696e646578", null],
        "offchainStorageDiff": [],
        "runtimeLogs": []

XCM Testing

To test XCM (Cross-Consensus Messaging) messages between networks, you can fork multiple parachains and a relay chain locally using Chopsticks.

  • relaychain - relay chain config file
  • parachain - parachain config file

For example, to fork Moonbeam, Astar, and Polkadot enabling XCM between them, you can use the following command:

npx @acala-network/chopsticks xcm \
--r polkadot \
--p moonbeam \
--p astar

After running it, you should see output similar to the following:

npx @acala-network/chopsticks xcm \ --r polkadot \ --p moonbeam \ --p astar
[13:46:07.901] INFO: Loading config file app: "chopsticks" [13:46:12.631] INFO: Moonbeam RPC listening on port 8000 app: "chopsticks" [13:46:12.632] INFO: Loading config file app: "chopsticks" chopsticks::executor TRACE: Calling Metadata_metadata chopsticks::executor TRACE: Completed Metadata_metadata [13:46:23.669] INFO: Astar RPC listening on port 8001 app: "chopsticks" [13:46:25.144] INFO (xcm): Connected parachains [2004,2006] app: "chopsticks" [13:46:25.144] INFO: Loading config file app: "chopsticks" chopsticks::executor TRACE: Calling Metadata_metadata chopsticks::executor TRACE: Completed Metadata_metadata [13:46:53.320] INFO: Polkadot RPC listening on port 8002 app: "chopsticks" [13:46:54.038] INFO (xcm): Connected relaychain 'Polkadot' with parachain 'Moonbeam' app: "chopsticks" [13:46:55.028] INFO (xcm): Connected relaychain 'Polkadot' with parachain 'Astar' app: "chopsticks"

Now you can interact with your forked chains using the ports specified in the output.

Last update: March 6, 2025
| Created: March 6, 2025