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Set Up a Template


Polkadot SDK offers a versatile and extensible blockchain development framework, enabling you to create custom blockchains tailored to your specific application or business requirements.

This tutorial guides you through compiling and running a parachain node using the Polkadot SDK Parachain Template.

The parachain template provides a pre-configured, functional runtime you can use in your local development environment. It includes several key components, such as user accounts and account balances.

These predefined elements allow you to experiment with common blockchain operations without requiring initial template modifications. In this tutorial, you will:

  • Build and start a local parachain node using the node template
  • Explore how to use a front-end interface to:
    • View information about blockchain activity
    • Submit a transaction

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a working local parachain and understand how to interact with it, setting the foundation for further customization and development.


Before getting started, ensure you have done the following:

Utility Tools

This tutorial requires two essential tools:

  • Chain spec builder - is a Polkadot SDK utility for generating chain specifications

    Install it by executing the following command:

    cargo install --git --force staging-chain-spec-builder

    This installs the chain-spec-builder binary. Refer to the Generate Chain Specs documentation for detailed usage.

  • Polkadot Omni Node - is a white-labeled binary, released as a part of Polkadot SDK that can act as the collator of a parachain in production, with all the related auxillary functionalities that a normal collator node has: RPC server, archiving state, etc. Moreover, it can also run the wasm blob of the parachain locally for testing and development.

    To install it, run the following command:

    cargo install --git --force polkadot-omni-node

    This installs the polkadot-omni-node binary.

Compile the Runtime

The Polkadot SDK Parachain Template provides a ready-to-use development environment for building using the Polkadot SDK. Follow these steps to compile the runtime:

  1. Clone the template repository:

    git clone parachain-template

  2. Navigate to the root of the template directory:

    cd parachain-template

  3. Compile the runtime:

    cargo build --release


    Initial compilation may take several minutes, depending on your machine specifications. Always use the --release flag to build optimized, production-ready artifacts.

  4. Upon successful compilation, you should see output similar to:

    cargo build --release ... Finished release profile [optimized] target(s) in 1.79s

Start the Local Chain

After successfully compiling your runtime, you can spin up a local chain and produce blocks. This process will start your local parachain and allow you to interact. Follow these steps to launch your node in development mode:

  1. First, you need to generate the chain spec file of your parachain:

    chain-spec-builder create -t development \
    --relay-chain paseo \
    --para-id 1000 \
    --runtime ./target/release/wbuild/parachain-template-runtime/parachain_template_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm \
    named-preset development

  2. Start the omni node with the generated chain spec. You'll start it in development mode (without a relay chain config), producing and finalizing blocks:

    polkadot-omni-node --chain ./chain_spec.json --dev

    The --dev option does the following: - Deletes all active data (keys, blockchain database, networking information) when stopped - Ensures a clean working state each time you restart the node

  3. Verify that your node is running by reviewing the terminal output. You should see something similar to:

    polkadot-omni-node --chain ./chain_spec.json --dev
    2024-12-12 12:44:02 polkadot-omni-node 2024-12-12 12:44:02 ✌️ version 0.1.0-da2dd9b7737 2024-12-12 12:44:02 ❤️ by Parity Technologies, 2017-2024 2024-12-12 12:44:02 📋 Chain specification: Custom 2024-12-12 12:44:02 🏷 Node name: grieving-drum-1926 2024-12-12 12:44:02 👤 Role: AUTHORITY 2024-12-12 12:44:02 💾 Database: RocksDb at /var/folders/x0/xl_kjddj3ql3bx7752yr09hc0000gn/T/substrateoUrZMQ/chains/custom/db/full 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] assembling new collators for new session 0 at #0 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] assembling new collators for new session 1 at #0 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xa6f8…5b46, header-hash: 0x0579…2153) 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] creating SingleState txpool Limit { count: 8192, total_bytes: 20971520 }/Limit { count: 819, total_bytes: 2097152 }. 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] Using default protocol ID "sup" because none is configured in the chain specs 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWCSXy6rBuJVsn5mx8uyNqkdfNfFzEbToi4hR31v3PwdgX 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] Running libp2p network backend 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] 💻 Operating system: macos 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] 💻 CPU architecture: aarch64 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] 📦 Highest known block at #0 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] 〽️ Prometheus exporter started at 2024-12-12 12:44:03 [Parachain] Running JSON-RPC server: addr=,[::1]:9944 2024-12-12 12:44:06 [Parachain] 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x05794f9adcdaa23a5edd335e8310637d3a7e6e9393f2b0794af7d3e219f62153 (#0) 2024-12-12 12:44:06 [Parachain] 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 1 (2 ms) hash: 0x6fbea46711e9b38bab8e7877071423cd03feab03d3f4a0d578a03ab42dcee34b; parent_hash: 0x0579…2153; end: NoMoreTransactions; extrinsics_count: 2 2024-12-12 12:44:06 [Parachain] 🏆 Imported #1 (0x0579…2153 → 0x6fbe…e34b) ...

  4. Confirm that your blockchain is producing new blocks by checking if the number after finalized is increasing

    ... 2024-12-12 12:49:20 [Parachain] 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #1 (0x6fbe…e34b), finalized #1 (0x6fbe…e34b), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0 ... 2024-12-12 12:49:25 [Parachain] 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #3 (0x7543…bcfc), finalized #3 (0x7543…bcfc), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0 ... 2024-12-12 12:49:30 [Parachain] 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #4 (0x0478…8d63), finalized #4 (0x0478…8d63), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0 ...


    The details of the log output will be explored in a later tutorial. For now, knowing that your node is running and producing blocks is sufficient.

Interact with the Node

When running the template node, it's accessible by default at ws://localhost:9944. To interact with your node using the Polkadot.js Apps interface, follow these steps:

  1. Open Polkadot.js Apps in your web browser and click the network icon (which should be the Polkadot logo) in the top left corner as shown in the image below:

  2. Connect to your local node:

    1. Scroll to the bottom and select Development
    2. Choose Custom
    3. Enter ws://localhost:9944 in the input field
    4. Click the Switch button

  3. Verify connection:

    • Once connected, you should see parachain-template-runtime in the top left corner
    • The interface will display information about your local blockchain

You are now connected to your local node and can now interact with it through the Polkadot.js Apps interface. This tool enables you to explore blocks, execute transactions, and interact with your blockchain's features. For in-depth guidance on using the interface effectively, refer to the Polkadot.js Guides available on the Polkadot Wiki.

Stop the Node

When you're done exploring your local node, you can stop it to remove any state changes you've made. Since you started the node with the --dev option, stopping the node will purge all persistent block data, allowing you to start fresh the next time.

To stop the local node:

  1. Return to the terminal window where the node output is displayed
  2. Press Control-C to stop the running process
  3. Verify that your terminal returns to the prompt in the parachain-template directory

Where to Go Next

  • Tutorial Build a Custom Pallet

    Build your own custom pallet for Polkadot SDK-based blockchains! Follow this step-by-step guide to create and configure a simple counter pallet from scratch.

    Get Started

Last update: March 6, 2025
| Created: March 6, 2025