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Pallet Unit Testing


You have learned how to create a new pallet in the Build a Custom Pallet tutorial; now you will see how to test the pallet to ensure that it works as expected. As stated in the Pallet Testing article, unit testing is crucial for ensuring the reliability and correctness of pallets in Polkadot SDK-based blockchains. Comprehensive testing helps validate pallet functionality, prevent potential bugs, and maintain the integrity of your blockchain logic.

This tutorial will guide you through creating a unit testing suite for a custom pallet created in the Build a Custom Pallet tutorial, covering essential testing aspects and steps.


To set up your testing environment for Polkadot SDK pallets, you'll need:

Set Up the Testing Environment

To effectively create the test environment for your pallet, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Move to the project directory

    cd custom-pallet
  2. Add the required dependencies to your test configuration in the Cargo.toml file of the pallet:

    sp-core = { workspace = true, default-features = true }
    sp-io = { workspace = true, default-features = true }
    sp-runtime = { workspace = true, default-features = true }
  3. Create a and a files (leave these files empty for now, they will be filled in later):

    touch src/
    touch src/
  4. Include them in your module:

    mod mock;
    mod tests;

Implement Mocked Runtime

The following portion of code sets up a mock runtime (Test) to test the custom-pallet in an isolated environment. Using frame_support macros, it defines a minimal runtime configuration with traits such as RuntimeCall and RuntimeEvent to simulate runtime behavior. The mock runtime integrates the System pallet, which provides core functionality, and the custom pallet (pallet_custom) under specific indices. Copy and paste the following snippet of code into your file:

use frame_support::{derive_impl, parameter_types};
use sp_runtime::BuildStorage;

type Block = frame_system::mocking::MockBlock<Test>;

mod runtime {
    pub struct Test;

    pub type System = frame_system::Pallet<Test>;

    pub type CustomPallet = pallet_custom::Pallet<Test>;

Once you have your mock runtime set up, you can customize it by implementing the configuration traits for the System pallet and your custom-pallet, along with additional constants and initial states for testing. Here's an example of how to extend the runtime configuration. Copy and paste the following snippet of code below the previous one you added to

// System pallet configuration
impl frame_system::Config for Test {
    type Block = Block;

// Custom pallet configuration
parameter_types! {
    pub const CounterMaxValue: u32 = 10;

impl pallet_custom::Config for Test {
    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
    type CounterMaxValue = CounterMaxValue;

// Test externalities initialization
pub fn new_test_ext() -> sp_io::TestExternalities {

Explanation of the additions:

  • System pallet configuration - implements the frame_system::Config trait for the mock runtime, setting up the basic system functionality and specifying the block type
  • Custom pallet configuration - defines the Config trait for the custom-pallet, including a constant (CounterMaxValue) to set the maximum allowed counter value. In this case, that value is set to 10 for testing purposes
  • Test externalities initialization - the new_test_ext() function initializes the mock runtime with default configurations, creating a controlled environment for testing

Full Mocked Runtime

You can view the full implementation for the mock runtime here:

use crate as pallet_custom;
use frame_support::{derive_impl, parameter_types};
use sp_runtime::BuildStorage;

type Block = frame_system::mocking::MockBlock<Test>;

mod runtime {
    pub struct Test;

    pub type System = frame_system::Pallet<Test>;

    pub type CustomPallet = pallet_custom::Pallet<Test>;

// System pallet configuration
impl frame_system::Config for Test {
    type Block = Block;

// Custom pallet configuration
parameter_types! {
    pub const CounterMaxValue: u32 = 10;

impl pallet_custom::Config for Test {
    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
    type CounterMaxValue = CounterMaxValue;

// Test externalities initialization
pub fn new_test_ext() -> sp_io::TestExternalities {

Implement Test Cases

Unit testing a pallet involves creating a comprehensive test suite that validates various scenarios. You ensure your pallet’s reliability, security, and expected behavior under different conditions by systematically testing successful operations, error handling, event emissions, state modifications, and access control.

As demonstrated in the previous tutorial, the pallet calls to be tested are as follows:

Custom pallet calls
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
    /// Set the value of the counter.
    /// The dispatch origin of this call must be _Root_.
    /// - `new_value`: The new value to set for the counter.
    /// Emits `CounterValueSet` event when successful.
    pub fn set_counter_value(origin: OriginFor<T>, new_value: u32) -> DispatchResult {

            new_value <= T::CounterMaxValue::get(),


        Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::CounterValueSet {
            counter_value: new_value,


    /// Increment the counter by a specified amount.
    /// This function can be called by any signed account.
    /// - `amount_to_increment`: The amount by which to increment the counter.
    /// Emits `CounterIncremented` event when successful.
    pub fn increment(origin: OriginFor<T>, amount_to_increment: u32) -> DispatchResult {
        let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

        let current_value = CounterValue::<T>::get().unwrap_or(0);

        let new_value = current_value

            new_value <= T::CounterMaxValue::get(),


        UserInteractions::<T>::try_mutate(&who, |interactions| -> Result<_, Error<T>> {
            let new_interactions = interactions
            *interactions = Some(new_interactions); // Store the new value


        Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::CounterIncremented {
            counter_value: new_value,
            incremented_amount: amount_to_increment,


    /// Decrement the counter by a specified amount.
    /// This function can be called by any signed account.
    /// - `amount_to_decrement`: The amount by which to decrement the counter.
    /// Emits `CounterDecremented` event when successful.
    pub fn decrement(origin: OriginFor<T>, amount_to_decrement: u32) -> DispatchResult {
        let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;

        let current_value = CounterValue::<T>::get().unwrap_or(0);

        let new_value = current_value


        UserInteractions::<T>::try_mutate(&who, |interactions| -> Result<_, Error<T>> {
            let new_interactions = interactions
            *interactions = Some(new_interactions); // Store the new value


        Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::CounterDecremented {
            counter_value: new_value,
            decremented_amount: amount_to_decrement,


The following sub-sections outline various scenarios in which the custom-pallet can be tested. Feel free to add these snippets to your while you read the examples.

Successful Operations

Verify that the counter can be successfully incremented under normal conditions, ensuring the increment works and the correct event is emitted.

// Test successful counter increment
fn it_works_for_increment() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Initialize the counter value to 0
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 0));

        // Increment the counter by 5
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::increment(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 5));
        // Check that the event emitted matches the increment operation
        System::assert_last_event(Event::CounterIncremented { 
            counter_value: 5, 
            who: 1, 
            incremented_amount: 5 

Preventing Value Overflow

Test that the pallet prevents incrementing beyond the maximum allowed value, protecting against unintended state changes.

// Verify increment is blocked when it would exceed max value
fn increment_fails_for_max_value_exceeded() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Set counter value close to max (10)
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 7));
        // Ensure that incrementing by 4 exceeds max value (10) and fails
            CustomPallet::increment(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 4),
            Error::<Test>::CounterValueExceedsMax // Expecting CounterValueExceedsMax error

Origin and Access Control

Confirm that sensitive operations like setting counter value are restricted to authorized origins, preventing unauthorized modifications.

// Ensure non-root accounts cannot set counter value
fn set_counter_value_fails_for_non_root() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Ensure only root (privileged account) can set counter value
            CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 5), // non-root account
            sp_runtime::traits::BadOrigin // Expecting a BadOrigin error

Edge Case Handling

Ensure the pallet gracefully handles edge cases, such as preventing increment operations that would cause overflow.

// Ensure increment fails on u32 overflow
fn increment_handles_overflow() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Set to max value
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 1));
            CustomPallet::increment(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), u32::MAX),

// Test successful counter decrement

Verifying State Changes

Test that pallet operations modify the internal state correctly and maintain expected storage values across different interactions.

fn user_interactions_increment() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Initialize counter value to 0
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 0));

        // Increment by 5 and decrement by 2
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::increment(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 5));
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::decrement(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 2));

        // Check if the user interactions are correctly tracked
        assert_eq!(UserInteractions::<Test>::get(1).unwrap_or(0), 2); // User should have 2 interactions

// Ensure user interactions prevent overflow

Full Test Suite

You can check the complete implementation for the Custom pallet here:

use crate::{mock::*, Error, Event, UserInteractions};
use frame_support::{assert_noop, assert_ok};

// Verify root can successfully set counter value
fn it_works_for_set_counter_value() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Set counter value within max allowed (10)
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 5));
        // Ensure that the correct event is emitted when the value is set
        System::assert_last_event(Event::CounterValueSet { counter_value: 5 }.into());

// Ensure non-root accounts cannot set counter value
fn set_counter_value_fails_for_non_root() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Ensure only root (privileged account) can set counter value
            CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 5), // non-root account
            sp_runtime::traits::BadOrigin // Expecting a BadOrigin error

// Check that setting value above max is prevented
fn set_counter_value_fails_for_max_value_exceeded() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Ensure the counter value cannot be set above the max limit (10)
            CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 11),
            Error::<Test>::CounterValueExceedsMax // Expecting CounterValueExceedsMax error

// Test successful counter increment
fn it_works_for_increment() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Initialize the counter value to 0
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 0));

        // Increment the counter by 5
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::increment(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 5));
        // Check that the event emitted matches the increment operation
        System::assert_last_event(Event::CounterIncremented { 
            counter_value: 5, 
            who: 1, 
            incremented_amount: 5 

// Verify increment is blocked when it would exceed max value
fn increment_fails_for_max_value_exceeded() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Set counter value close to max (10)
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 7));
        // Ensure that incrementing by 4 exceeds max value (10) and fails
            CustomPallet::increment(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 4),
            Error::<Test>::CounterValueExceedsMax // Expecting CounterValueExceedsMax error

// Ensure increment fails on u32 overflow
fn increment_handles_overflow() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Set to max value
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 1));
            CustomPallet::increment(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), u32::MAX),

// Test successful counter decrement
fn it_works_for_decrement() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Initialize counter value to 8
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 8));

        // Decrement counter by 3
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::decrement(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 3));
        // Ensure the event matches the decrement action
        System::assert_last_event(Event::CounterDecremented { 
            counter_value: 5, 
            who: 1, 
            decremented_amount: 3 

// Verify decrement is blocked when it would go below zero
fn decrement_fails_for_below_zero() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Set counter value to 5
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 5));
        // Ensure that decrementing by 6 fails as it would result in a negative value
            CustomPallet::decrement(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 6),
            Error::<Test>::CounterValueBelowZero // Expecting CounterValueBelowZero error

// Check that user interactions are correctly tracked
fn user_interactions_increment() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Initialize counter value to 0
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 0));

        // Increment by 5 and decrement by 2
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::increment(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 5));
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::decrement(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 2));

        // Check if the user interactions are correctly tracked
        assert_eq!(UserInteractions::<Test>::get(1).unwrap_or(0), 2); // User should have 2 interactions

// Ensure user interactions prevent overflow
fn user_interactions_overflow() {
    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        // Initialize counter value to 0
        assert_ok!(CustomPallet::set_counter_value(RuntimeOrigin::root(), 0));

        // Set user interactions to max value (u32::MAX)
        UserInteractions::<Test>::insert(1, u32::MAX);
        // Ensure that incrementing by 5 fails due to overflow in user interactions
            CustomPallet::increment(RuntimeOrigin::signed(1), 5),
            Error::<Test>::UserInteractionOverflow // Expecting UserInteractionOverflow error

Running Tests

Execute the test suite for your custom pallet using Cargo's test command. This will run all defined test cases and provide detailed output about the test results.

cargo test --package custom-pallet

After running the test suite, you should see the following output in your terminal:

cargo test --package custom-pallet
running 12 tests
test mock::__construct_runtime_integrity_test::runtime_integrity_tests ... ok
test mock::test_genesis_config_builds ... ok
test test::set_counter_value_fails_for_max_value_exceeded ... ok
test test::set_counter_value_fails_for_non_root ... ok
test test::user_interactions_increment ... ok
test test::it_works_for_increment ... ok
test test::it_works_for_set_counter_value ... ok
test test::it_works_for_decrement ... ok
test test::increment_handles_overflow ... ok
test test::decrement_fails_for_below_zero ... ok
test test::increment_fails_for_max_value_exceeded ... ok
test test::user_interactions_overflow ... ok
test result: ok. 12 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.01s

Doc-tests custom_pallet
running 0 tests
test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

Where to Go Next

  • Tutorial Pallet Benchmarking

    Discover how to measure extrinsic costs and assign precise weights to optimize your pallet for accurate fees and runtime performance.

    Get Started

Last update: March 6, 2025
| Created: March 6, 2025