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Testing DSL

Zombienet provides a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for writing tests. The DSL is designed to be human-readable and allows you to write tests using natural language expressions. You can define assertions and tests against the spawned network using this DSL. This way, users can evaluate different metrics, such as:

  • On-chain storage - the storage of each of the chains running via Zombienet
  • Metrics - the metrics provided by the nodes
  • Histograms - visual representations of metrics data
  • Logs - detailed records of system activities and events
  • System events - notifications of significant occurrences within the network
  • Tracing - detailed analysis of execution paths and operations
  • Custom API calls (through Polkadot.js) - personalized interfaces for interacting with the network
  • Commands - instructions or directives executed by the network

These abstractions are expressed by sentences defined in a natural language style. Therefore, each test line will be mapped to a test to run. Also, the test file (*.zndsl) includes pre-defined header fields used to define information about the suite, such as network configuration and credentials location.

The Test File


The test name in Zombienet is derived from the file name by removing any leading numeric characters before the first hyphen. For example, a file named 0001-zombienet-test.zndsl will result in a test name of zombienet-test, which will be displayed in the test report output of the runner.


The test file is a text file with the extension .zndsl. It is divided into two parts: the header and the body. The header contains the network configuration and the credentials to use, while the body contains the tests to run.

The header is defined by the following fields:

  • description string - long description of the test suite (optional)
  • network string - path to the network definition file, supported in both .json and .toml formats
  • creds string - credentials file name or path to use (available only with Kubernetes provider). Looks in the current directory or $HOME/.kube/ if a file name is passed

The body contains the tests to run. Each test is defined by a sentence in the DSL, which is mapped to a test to run. Each test line defines an assertion or a command to be executed against the spawned network.


Assertions are defined by sentences in the DSL that evaluate different metrics, such as on-chain storage, metrics, histograms, logs, system events, tracing, and custom API calls. Each assertion is defined by a sentence in the DSL, which is mapped to a test to run.

Well known functions - already mapped test function
  • node-name well-known_defined_test [within x seconds]
alice: is up
alice: parachain 100 is registered within 225 seconds
alice: parachain 100 block height is at least 10 within 250 seconds
Histogram - get metrics from Prometheus, calculate the histogram and, assert on the target value/s
  • node-name reports histogram memtric_name has comparator target_value samples in buckets ["bucket","bucket",...] [within x seconds]
alice: reports histogram polkadot_pvf_execution_time has at least 2 samples in buckets ["0.1", "0.25", "0.5", "+Inf"] within 100 seconds
Metric - get metric from Prometheus and assert on the target value
  • node-name reports metric_name comparator target_value (e.g "is at least x", "is greater than x") [within x seconds]
alice: reports node_roles is 4
alice: reports sub_libp2p_is_major_syncing is 0
Log line - get logs from nodes and assert on the matching pattern
  • node-name log line (contains|matches) (regex|glob) "pattern" [within x seconds]
alice: log line matches glob "rted #1" within 10 seconds
Count of log lines - get logs from nodes and assert on the number of lines matching pattern
  • node-name count of log lines (containing|matcheing) (regex|glob) "pattern" [within x seconds]
alice: count of log lines matching glob "rted #1" within 10 seconds
System events - find a system event from subscription by matching a pattern
  • node-name system event (contains|matches)(regex| glob) "pattern" [within x seconds]
alice: system event matches ""paraId":[0-9]+" within 10 seconds
Tracing - match an array of span names from the supplied traceID
  • node-name trace with traceID contains ["name", "name2",...]
alice: trace with traceID 94c1501a78a0d83c498cc92deec264d9 contains ["answer-chunk-request", "answer-chunk-request"]
Custom JS scripts - run a custom JS script and assert on the return value
  • node-name js-script script_relative_path [return is comparator target_value] [within x seconds]
alice: js-script ./0008-custom.js return is greater than 1 within 200 seconds
Custom TS scripts - run a custom TS script and assert on the return value
  • node-name ts-script script_relative_path [return is comparator target_value] [within x seconds]
alice: ts-script ./0008-custom-ts.ts return is greater than 1 within 200 seconds
Backchannel - wait for a value and register to use
  • node-name wait for var name and use as X [within x seconds]
alice: wait for name and use as X within 30 seconds


Commands allow interaction with the nodes and can run pre-defined commands or an arbitrary command in the node.

restart - stop the process and start again after the X amount of seconds or immediately
  • node-name restart [after x seconds]
pause - pause (SIGSTOP) the process
  • node-name pause
resume - resume (SIGCONT) the process
  • node-name resume
sleep - sleep the test-runner for x amount of seconds
  • sleep x


For example, the following test file defines two tests: a small network test and a big network test. Each test defines a network configuration file and credentials to use.

The tests define assertions to evaluate the network’s metrics and logs. The assertions are defined by sentences in the DSL, which are mapped to tests to run.

Description: Small Network test
Network: ./0000-test-config-small-network.toml
Creds: config

# metrics
alice: reports node_roles is 4
alice: reports sub_libp2p_is_major_syncing is 0

# logs
bob: log line matches glob "*rted #1*" within 10 seconds
bob: log line matches "Imported #[0-9]+" within 10 seconds

And the second test file:

Description: Big Network test
Network: ./0001-test-config-big-network.toml
Creds: config

# metrics
alice: reports node_roles is 4
alice: reports sub_libp2p_is_major_syncing is 0

# logs
bob: log line matches glob "*rted #1*" within 10 seconds
bob: log line matches "Imported #[0-9]+" within 10 seconds

# custom js script
alice: js-script ./0008-custom.js return is greater than 1 within 200 seconds

# custom ts script
alice: ts-script ./0008-custom-ts.ts return is greater than 1 within 200 seconds

# backchannel
alice: wait for name and use as X within 30 seconds

# well know functions
alice: is up
alice: parachain 100 is registered within 225 seconds
alice: parachain 100 block height is at least 10 within 250 seconds

# histogram
alice: reports histogram polkadot_pvf_execution_time has at least 2 samples in buckets ["0.1", "0.25", "0.5", "+Inf"] within 100 seconds

# system events
alice: system event matches ""paraId":[0-9]+" within 10 seconds

# tracing
alice: trace with traceID 94c1501a78a0d83c498cc92deec264d9 contains ["answer-chunk-request", "answer-chunk-request"]

Running Tests

To run the tests using the local provider (native), you can use the Zombienet binary. The binary will read the test files and execute the tests defined in the DSL. The binary will output the results of the tests in the console.

zombienet -p native test INSERT_TEST_FILE_NAME


Replace INSERT_TEST_FILE_NAME with the path to the test file you want to run.